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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Doctor's News

Today I had my follow up appointment from my bone scan last week. I am so happy with the results. SO SO happy. I am going to be able to run the 5k in April. Yes, you read that right. I am! The doctor read the scan and he was happy to report that the stress fracture sure does look like one but it is very minor. The real problem at this point that we need to get past is the shin splints. I had no clue what a shin splint was. I thought it was just when you were running and your shins hurt. Oh no, not the case. A shin splint is actually the muscle around your bones in your leg separates from your bones. Yes, painful. Which explains the horrendous pain when I am doing high impact exercises. He stated that he thinks the fracture probably has been there and it is healing, it is so small. So, diagnosis is great and the treatment is once a week physical therapy to get back onto a running schedule and also in ten days I am allowed to hit the treadmill again, as long as my physical therapist gives the okay. Starting out at ten minutes a week and then upping it to 12.5 and so on and so forth for eight weeks and then rechecking with the doc and going from there. I am allowed to cycle and use an elliptical though!

So happy! Here is the bone scan. There is actually splints on both sides, which we will work on in PT, but he is amazed that only the right hurts.  He also stated there would only be a matter of time before the left would start to feel the same as the right, had I not gone in. So caught early, we are on the mend!

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