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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mountains of Laundry

Day 20 of 365

It is a never ending task, one that takes forever to do and then the next day you are right back where you started, and feeling like you have accomplished nothing. The laundry fairy never seems to show up and make things easier either. If she did, the task wouldn't be so daunting and never ending. And it surely doesn't help with the amount of times my children feel the need to change their clothes either.

One day, I will miss all of this. My children will be grown and gone and I will not be washing little shirts and jeans anymore. Little socks, that always seem to never be matched when they come out of the dryer. Loads of towels and washcloths. Washing sheets every single week, because we all love the smell of fresh linens so much. But for now, as much as I loathe the task of washing clothes, I will relish in the memories that I am making for myself. I will smell the shirts as they come of the dryer, warm and cozy feeling, with a scent of Gain detergent and Bounce dryer bar mixed in. Mmmm.... the smell of my kids childhood. The smell of laundry that they will forever relate to, and call it their "mom's laundry scent."

You all know what I mean. As soon as I smell something my mom has washed, I go right back to my childhood and the wonderful smell of my parents home. The smell of fresh linens! For now... this is one weeks worth of laundry build up in my home... I sort each childs clothes into one basket and then fold from there. Makes things so much easier!

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