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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sick Little Rascal Girl

Day 22 of 365

Today Papa's little Rascal Girl (Vanessa) woke up with a bad cough, barely any voice and congestion that God knows where it all comes from. She stayed home from school and lounged pretty much all day, not feeling well. We made her a little "bed" on the floor and tuned into some Nick Junior. And we just were.

She napped quite a bit of the afternoon away, snuggled up with her Wocket In My Pocket that she got from Santa. Who knew something so funny looking would turn into a childs favorite stuffed animal! If you've ever read the Dr. Suess story... There's A Wocket In My Pocket is quite the good little tale.

"....All those Nupboards in the cupboards.
They're good fun to have about.
But the Nooth Grush on my tooth brush,
Him I could do without!....."

When it came time for Ice Skating tonight she was not one bit disappointed that she couldn't go. I do believe she really was feeling that icky that she just didn't care one way or the other. Daddy bundled her all up and took a blankie to the barn, laid it out on the straw bales and she just laid there most of the night, content with sleeping on the straw bales while her daddy did chores. (I wish I had that for a picture instead!) Bless her heart.

1 comment:

  1. Gabriel got the Wocket for Christmas too! And he loves it!!
