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Saturday, January 15, 2011


Day 17 of 365

I have been working on getting that knitted scarf done, and my yarn keeps slipping. Which makes me miss a loop and drop a stitch, and it looks ridiculous. I cannot for the life of me get my yarn to stay on the needles. It got so aggravating I gave up, rolled up the hideous scarf and threw it in the trash, stuffed my needles into my bag and called it quits, never to pick up knitting needles again. But... I had to accomplish something, so I tried out some crochet hooks.

It was Wonderful!

So easy to do and I actually made progress and didn't get aggravated over it. Every stitch went into place where it was supposed to go and none were dropped. The hook really helped me with the yarn and I am now back into making my own little things. And they actually look wonderful too. In one days time I created this monster of a hat for Elliott and he is in love with it. He put it on once, ran around the house for a while and pretended he was a monster.

Next, I will be working on a monkey hat for Vanessa. She is my little monkey - and I am pretty sure that is her favorite animal. She has a monkey blanket, monkey stuffed animal, monkey PJ's and loves coloring pictures of monkeys. Maybe she is a monkey?

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