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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Snow and Pinatas

Day 3/365

Blustery winds are howling outside, a reminder of the winter cold that is among us. The thermometer reads 6 degrees fahrenheit, with wind chills to 15 below zero. It won't keep us away though, the girls are bundled up and snow pants and sleds are packed into the car as it warms. The girls and I are headed to Grandma and Papa's house. Daddy and little man will not be going this year, the weather is too cold and daddy is not feeling well. Sledding is on our agenda. And campfires, hot chocolate and chili.

New Year's Day celebration. It happens every year. Family and friends gather for a day filled with winter activities, delicious food and hot chocolate. A day to bring in the new year, Wisconsin style!

The sleds are ripping down the hill, laughter consumes the air. Stories of the years past, as we read the names that are inscribed on the cold tin of the shed. The smell of chili and burning wood fill the air. It is cold. But the over abundance of food and hot cocoa warms us from the inside. And the multiple layers of clothes keep the wind from getting to our bones. A pinata hangs from the trees and the kids over excitement for the day is slowly turning into enjoyment. Enjoyment for the days activities that will more than likely have them tuckered out by the time their heads hit the pillows.

The pinata is whapped, the candy falling to the crispy snow below, and the kids load themselves up. One more time down the hill and the cars are packed back up and everyone heads home. To nod off into a warm sleep filled bliss. But not us, we are staying the night and the kids couldn't be more excited! Into the house we go but there's no sleep for them, as they rip and tear through Grandma and Papa's house. Little footsteps and sounds of happiness filling the once quaint house. Bedtime comes and goes, with the little giggles still lingering while the last bit of friends finally pack up their vehicle and head on home.

The mess is cleaned up and off to our own little sleep filled slumbers. Wrapped into the warm blankets for the night, the smell of a fire in the wood stove consuming us, as we doze off. The sounds and smells of home rushing back to me, lulling me to sleep.


  1. Nice pics! Yah, it was cold but fun. Next year I will be able to go down the hill, too!

  2. Awesome pictures, looks like so much fun!
