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Friday, January 28, 2011

Stress Fracture

Day 30 of 365

It's been about two weeks that it has been aching, hurting and preventing any sort of activity that is vigorous. Walking is just perfectly fine. But anything other than a walk. Forget it. So, my wonderful hubby had convinced me to go see a Sports Medicine doc and go over what really truly is the underlying issue here. I can tell you that I was not at all impressed with the end result and am not at all looking forward to next Tuesday when I have to go in and see the doc for the results of all the tests today, and I sure as heck hope I can still run my 5k in April with my aunt Val.

The appointment started off with a wonderful bunch of pokes and prods and then I was sent to x-ray. Where they run some scans and then I went back to see the doc. The x-ray didn't show anything, but the doc said that only one out of three stress fractures actually show up on an x-ray so he sent me to get some bone scans. I was injected with this wonderful little radioactive dye and sent on my way with instruction to come back three hours later for a scan. I ran some errands, dropped off my car for an oil change and got taken back to the clinic by the wonderful little dealership shuttle. (the car is a whole other story - for another day, probably when I actually get to pick it up - see, whole other story).

The scan revealed some of the dye pooling in my leg and the tech was able to tell me that, indeed, there was something going on in that area. It looked to him like a stress fracture. Appointment on Tuesday will have the official reading and results but for now, I was told to keep from doing any high impact activities, ie. running.

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